A Naval Biographical Dictionary/Collier, George Baring Browne

1661604A Naval Biographical Dictionary — Collier, George Baring BrowneWilliam Richard O'Byrne

COLLIER. (Lieutenant, 1842.)

George Baring Browne Collier is eldest son of Capt. H. T. B. Collier, R.N.

This officer entered the Navy 8 Aug. 1832; passed his examination 6 Sept. 1837; served latterly, as Mate, on board the Camperdown 104, flag-ship at the Nore of Sir Henry Digby, and Alfred 60, Commodore John Brett Purvis, fitting at Sheerness for the South American station; and, on 7 Feb. 1842, was promoted to the rank of Lieutenant. He continued to serve in the Alfred until the close of 1844; joined next, 12 April, 1845, the Queen 110, Capt. Sir Baldwin Wake Walker, one of an experimental squadron employed under the orders of Rear-Admirals Hyde Parker and Sir Sam. Pym; and on 7 Nov. following removed to the St. Vincent 120, bearing then the broad pendant of Sir Fras. Augustus Collier, and now the flag of Sir Chas. Ogle, under whom he is officiating as SignalLieutenant.

Lieut. Collier married, 18 Feb. 1846, Stepney, youngest daughter of the late Joseph Gulston, Esq., of Derwydd, co. Caermarthen, and of Grosvenor-square. Agents – Messrs. Stilwell.