1662787A Naval Biographical Dictionary — Conn, HenryWilliam Richard O'Byrne

CONN. (Lieutenant, 1809. f-p., 10; h-p., 35.)

Henry Conn entered the Navy, 2 Nov. 1802, as Fst.-cl. Vol., on board the Culloden 74, commanded by his relative, Capt. John Conn, with whom he continued to serve, on the Mediterranean, Home, and Halifax Stations, in the Canopus 80, s[c] 98, San Josef 110, Hibernia 110, and Swiftsure 74, under the flags of Admirals Geo. Campbell, Sir Jas. Saumarez, and Sir John Borlase Warren, until appointed Acting-Lieutenant, 9 May, 1809, of the Junon 38, Capt. John Shortland, to which ship he was confirmed by commission dated 18 Aug. in the same year. On 13 of the ensuing Dec, however, the Junon was unfortunately captured, near Guadeloupe, after an heroically desperate resistance of 45 minutes, and a loss of 20 men killed and 40 wounded, by a French squadron, consisting of the 40-gun frigates Renommée and Clorinde, and armées en flûte Loire and Seine, carrying each 20 guns, with the two former of whom she appears to have sustained a yard-arm-and-yard-arm conflict until on the verge of sinking. Lieut Conn was in consequence retained a prisoner in France until 6 Oct. 1812. He has since been on half-pay. Agent – J. Hinxman.