A Naval Biographical Dictionary/Craggs, George

1667209A Naval Biographical Dictionary — Craggs, GeorgeWilliam Richard O'Byrne

CRAGGS. (Lieut., 1815. f-p., 9; h-p., 31.)

George Craggs entered the Navy, 13 June, 1807, as A.B., on board the Matilda, Lieut.-Commander Thos. Dorsett Birchall, flag-ship at Woolwich of Hon. Henry Edwin Stanhope, with whom, in the Pompeé 74, he attended the ensuing expedition to Copenhagen. With the exception of a few months in 1809, during which we find him commanding No. 11 gun-boat in the operations against Walcheren, he continued to serve with Vice-Admiral Stanhope, in the Thisbe 28, and Namur 74, flag-ships at Greenwich and the Nore, until Aug. 1810, latterly as Master’s Mate. When afterwards on board the Grasshopper 18, Capt. Henry Fanshawe, the subject of this sketch appears to have been in company with the Hero 74, when that ship was lost in a dreadful gale on the Haak Sand; on which occasion, 24 Dec. 1811, the former vessel, being driven close in with Texel Island, was obliged to surrender to the enemy. On his return from captivity in May, 1814, Mr. Craggs became attached in succession to the Ceres 32, Capt. Jas. Prevost, and Namur 74, Capt. Chas. John Austen, as also to the Conway 24, Capt. John Tancock, with whom he cruized for some time off Madeira. He obtained his commission 8 March, 1815; and since the following Aug. has been on half-pay. Agents – Messrs. Stilwell.