A Naval Biographical Dictionary/Crozier, William Pearson

1670175A Naval Biographical Dictionary — Crozier, William PearsonWilliam Richard O'Byrne

CROZIER. (Lieut., 1837. f-p., 24; h-p., 0.)

William Pearson Crozier is a younger brother of Capt. Rich. Crozier, R.N.

This officer entered the Navy, in Dec. 1823, on board the Lively 46, Capt. Wm. Elliott, of which frigate his brother was at the time a Lieutenant. He passed his examination in 1830; obtained his commission 1 Sept. 1837; and being appointed, 21 Oct. following, to the Wasp 16, Capts. Hon. Dudley Worsley Anthony Pelham and Geo. Mansel, was the only Lieutenant on board that sloop at the taking of Sidon, and attack on the fortifications of St. Jean d’Acre, 26 Sept. and 3 Nov. 1840. He was subsequently invested with the command – 30 Aug. 1841, of the Pantaloon 10, lying at Portsmouth – and 21 June, 1842, and 19 Dec. 1843, of the Sydenham and Pluto steam-vessels, in which he appears to have been employed on the Canadian Lakes, and on the West India and Home stations. He has been attached, since 30 June, 1845, as Additional-Lieutenant, to the Victoria and Albert steam-yacht, Capt. Lord Adolphus FitzClarenee. Agents – Stilwell.