A Naval Biographical Dictionary/Cunningham, William Graves James

1670289A Naval Biographical Dictionary — Cunningham, William Graves JamesWilliam Richard O'Byrne

CUNNINGHAM. (Lieutenant, 1841.)

William Graves James Cunningham entered the Navy 10 July, 1823; passed his examination 19 Sept. 1833; and when promoted to the rank of Lieutenant, 23 Nov. 1841, was serving, as Mate, on board the Britannia 120, flag-ship in the Mediterranean of Sir John Acworth Ommanney. His appointments have since been, on the South American station – 22 Feb. and 21 June, 1842, to the Alfred 50, bearing the broad pendant of Commodore John Brett Purvis, and Pearl 20, Capt. Rich. Henry Stopford – and, 22 Jan. 1845, to the Firebrand steam-frigate, Capt. Jas. Hope, in which he is at present employed. Agents – Hallett and Robinson.