1685157A Naval Biographical Dictionary — Derry, JohnWilliam Richard O'Byrne

DERRY. (Retired Commander, 1831. f-p., 13; h-p. 57.)

John Derry entered the.Navy, 18 Nov 1777, as A.B., on board the Hector 74, Capt. Sir John Hamilton, on the Channel station; became Midshipman, in 1782, of the Repulse 74, Capt. Philip Dumaresq, in the West Indies; served, in 1785-6, off Milford, on board the Viper, Lieut.-Commander John Crymes; was employed, from June, 1789, to Nov. 1790, in the Impregnable 98, flag-ship of Sir Rich. Bickerton, and Latona frigate, Capt. Albermarle Bertie, both attached to the fleet in the Channel; and, with the latter officer, successively Joiped, in May, 1792, and Feb. 1794, the Edgar and Thunderer 74’s. For his conduct, as Master’s Mate of the Thunderer, in Lord Howe’s action of 1 June, he was promoted, 22 Aug. following, to a Lieutenancy in the same ship, in which he continued until 19 March, 1795. Between 4 May, 1796, and 17 Oct. 1798, Mr. Derry next served, on the West India and Home stations, in the Adventure, Capt. Wm. Geo. Rutherford, Hector 74, Capt. Peter Aplin, Duke 98, Capt. John Holloway, and Expedition armée en flûte, Capts. John Stile’s, Home Riggs Popham, and Sir Thos. Livingstone. His last employment was, as Lieutenant, from 16 June, 1805, to 13 March, 1806, of the Volcano bomb, Capt. Edw. Killwick, stationed in the Downs. He became a Retired Commander on the Junior List 26 Nov. 1830, and on the Senior 23 Sept. 1831.