1687530A Naval Biographical Dictionary — Dirom, JamesWilliam Richard O'Byrne

DIROM. (Lieutenant, 1841. f-p., 17; h-p., 1.)

James Dirom, born in July, 1815, is youngest son of the late Lieut.-General Dirom, of Mount Annan, N.B.

This officer entered the Navy, 21 March, 1829, as a Volunteer, on board the Ocean 80, Capt. Patrick Campbell, on the Mediterranean station. He afterwards joined, as Midshipman, the Asia 84, Britannia 120, Spartiate 76, and Challenger 28; passed his examination in March, 1835; and from April, 1836, until the receipt of his commission, bearing date 15 March, 1841, served, as Mate, on board the Pembroke 74, Capt. Fairfax Moresby, in the Mediterranean, and the Impregnable 104, and Caledonia 120, flag-ships at Plymouth of Sir Graham Moore. His appointments have since been – 16 March, 1841, 22 Oct. following, and 7 Sept. 1842, to the Iris 26, Capts. Hugh Nurse and Wm. Tucker, Persian 18, Capt. Thos. Rodney Eden, and Iris again, Capt. Geo. Rodney Mundy, on the coast of Africa – and, 9 Nov. 1843, to the Albion 90, Capt. Nicholas Lockyer, in which ship he is now serving.