A Naval Biographical Dictionary/Draffen, Frederick

1691963A Naval Biographical Dictionary — Draffen, FrederickWilliam Richard O'Byrne

DRAFFEN. (Lieut., 1810. f-p., 16; h-p., 31.)

Frederick Draffen entered the’ Navy, 6 Jan. 1800, as Fst.-cl. Vol., on board the Excellent 74, Capts. Hon. Robt. Stopford, Robt. Tucker, and John Nash, of which vessel, when in the West Indies, he became Midshipman, 30 March, 1801. In May, 1803, he rejoined Capt. Stopford on board the Spencer 74, employed off Ferrol and Corunna; and on being next transferred to the Santa Margaritta 36, Capts. Wilson Rathbone and John Johnstone, he took a warm part, as Master’s Mate, in Sir Rich. Strachan’s action with the four line-of-battle ships escaped from the battle of Trafalgar, 4 Nov. 1805. After serving for some time as Acting-Lieutenant of the same frigate, of the Brisk 18, Capt. John Coode, and of the Fortunée 36, Capt. Henry Vansittart, on the Irish station, Mr. Draffen was at length confirmed by commission dated 7 March, 1809, and appointed to the Quebec 32, Capt. Hon. Geo. Poulett, whom he accompanied on a voyage to Greenland. Leaving that ship, however, on 27 of the following Nov., he next, after an interval of 12 months, joined the Blossom 18, Capt. Fras. Beaufort, commanded subsequently by Capt. Stewart, in which sloop, after cruizing in the Bay of Biscay where he assisted at the capture, 15 Jan. 1811, of the Caesar French privateer of 4 guns and 59 men, he proceeded to the Mediterranean. On 17 Aug. in the latter year Lieut. Draffen became attached to the Minorca 18, Capt. Ralph Randolph Wormeley, with whom he served until removed, 24 Dec. 1812, to the Trident 64, Capt. Rich. Budd Vincent, flag-ship in succession, at Malta, of Rear-Admirals John Laugharne and Chas. Vinicombe Penrose. He was eventually placed on half-pay in May, 1816; and has not since been afloat.

Lieut. Draffen is married, and has a son, Wm. Pitt Draffen, Second-Lieutenant R.M. (1845), who was lately serving on board the Excellent.