1693219A Naval Biographical Dictionary — Drew, EdwardWilliam Richard O'Byrne

DREW. (Lieut., 1815. f-p., 25; h-p., 16.)

Edward Drew was born 7 Dec. 1792, at Forleigh, near St. Columb, co. Cornwall.

This officer entered the Navy, 2 Aug. 1806, as A.B., on board the Spartiate 74, Capt. Sir Fras. Laforey, whom he ultimately accompanied, as Midshipman, to the Mediterranean. From Dec. 1809, to Oct. 1811, he served, part of the time as Master’s Mate, in the Castilian 18, Capts. Robt. Brown Tom and David Braimer, on the Downs station; and then joined the Dragon 74, bearing at first the flag of Sir F. Laforey in the West Indies, and afterwards commanded by Capt. Robt. Barrie. Participating, under the latter officer, in the contest with the United States, Mr. Drew commanded the Dragon’s launch – at the destruction of the Adams frigate – in the several attacks on the Baltimore flotilla, for which he received the public thanks of Rear-Admiral Cockburn – at the reduction of the towns in the Rappahaunoc River – and at the capture of the fort at Point Petre, and of the town of St. Mary’s, on the coast of Georgia. He left the Dragon in Aug. 1815, having been awarded a commission on 1 of the previous March; and since 16 Dec. 1831 – with the exception of a three years’ command, from March, 1837, to March, 1840, of the Eagle revenue-vessel – has been in charge of a station in the Coast Guard.

Lieut. Drew married, in Sept. 1825, Elizabeth, daughter of Joseph Hosken Hawker, Esq., of St. Columb, co. Cornwall; and has issue four daughters.