A Naval Biographical Dictionary/English, Charles

1705057A Naval Biographical Dictionary — English, CharlesWilliam Richard O'Byrne

ENGLISH. (Commander, 1827. f-p., 20; h-p., 24.)

Charles English was born 2 Dec. 1793j at Fareham, co. Hants, and died 10 Oct. 1846.

This officer entered the Navy, 20 March, 1803, as Fst.-cl. Vol., on board the Royal William, Capt. John Wainwright, flag-ship at Spithead of Admiral Geo. Montagu. In Feb. 1805, he joined the Courageux 74, Capt. Chas. Boyles, with whom, as Midshipman of the Windsor Castle 98, we subsequently find him enacting a part in Sir Robt. Calder’s action, 22 July, 1805. In the course of the following year he became successively attached to the Sampson and Diadem 64’s, bearing the flag of Admiral Chas. Stirling; and, while in the latter ship, he assisted at the capture of Monte Video in Feb. 1807. As Master’s Mate, next, of La Gloire 38, and Amaranthe 18, Capts. Jas. Carthew and Geo. Pringle, Mr. English served at the reduction of the French West India islands, in the years 1809-10. After a further employment of 16 months in the Dragon 74, flag-ship of Sir Fras. Laforey in the Leeward Islands, he was at length, having passed his examination nearly two years, promoted to the rank of Lieutenant, by commission dated 21 March, 1812. His appointments, in the latter capacity, appear to have been – 5 Jan. 1813, to the Cressy 74, Capt. Chas. Dashwood, employed off the Scheldt – 6 Aug. 1814, to the Euphrates 36, Capt. Robt. Preston, on the Home station – 10 June, 1819, and 9 Dec. 1822, as Senior Lieutenant, to the Larne 20, and Tribune 42, Capts. Henry Forbes, Robt. Tait, and Gardiner Henry Guion, on the Mediterranean station, where he commanded the boats of the latter ship and of the Despatch 18, in a successful attack on some pirate vessels, near the Morea, in 1824 and, 27 March, 1826, to the command of the Contest 12, in North America. On 17 April, 1827, he was promoted to his present rank in the Ringdove 18, which sloop he continued to command, on the station last mentioned, until 22 March, 1829. He has not been since employed.

Commander English married, 11 Oct. 1834, Jemima Georgina, only daughter of the late Jas. Carden, Esq., of Bedford Square, London.