A Naval Biographical Dictionary/Fairweather, John

1710155A Naval Biographical Dictionary — Fairweather, JohnWilliam Richard O'Byrne

FAIRWEATHER. (Retired Commander, 1840. f-p., 29; h-p., 36.)

John Fairweather entered the Navy, 6 July, 1782, as A.B., on board the Speedy 14, Capt. John Young, on the Home station; served afterwards for five years in the West Indies as Quarter-Master of the Europa 50, flag-ship of Admirals Gambier and Tnnes; was then successively appointed Midshipman of the Dictator 60, Capt. Rich. Rodney Bligh, and Britannia 100, flag-ship in the Mediterranean of Vice- Admiral Hotham; and after a further servitude of two years on the latter station as Acting-Master of the Tisiphone 18, Commodore Sam. Hood Linzee, and Juno 32, Capt. Lord Amelius Beauclerk, became Master’s Mate, and then Acting-Lieutenant, of the Dryad 36, commanded by the last-mentioned officer, and also by Capt. Pulling, who, in May, 1796, sent him home in charge of L’Aveille, a national cutter taken from the French[1] on the coast of Ireland. Being confirmed, 8 June, 1797, into the Hazard, of 24 or 26 guns, Capts. Alex. Ruddach and Wm. Butterfield, he assisted in that vessel at the capture, 12 Aug. 1798, of Le Neptune French national ship, of 20 guns, having on board 270 troops, which did not surrender until after an obstinate conflict of an hour and fifty minutes, during which the enemy had upwards of 20 men killed and wounded, and the British not more than 6 men wounded. His able assistance and good conduct on the latter occasion, as indeed on all others, procured him a strong recommendation from his Captain, Butterfield, who declared him worthy of his warmest encomiums.[2] With the exception of a short interval in 1802-3, Mr. Fairweather next served, from 26 Sept. 1799 until March, 1805, on board the Canada 74, Capt. Hon. Michael De Courcy, Polyphemus 64, Capt. Geo. Lumsdaine, and Fortunée 40, and Majestic 74, both commanded by Lord A. Beauclerk, and all employed on the Home station. He then officiated for three years as Agent for Transports afloat; and, on 11 July, 1808, was appointed to the charge of a Signal station in the island of Jersey. Mr. Fairweather, who has been on half-pay since 7 June, 1814, became a Retired Commander on the Junior List 26 Nov. 1830, and on the Senior 18 March, 1840.

  1. Vide Gaz. 1796, p. 449.
  2. Vide Gaz. 1798, p. 814.