A Naval Biographical Dictionary/Forbes, Frederick Edwyn

1716822A Naval Biographical Dictionary — Forbes, Frederick EdwynWilliam Richard O'Byrne

FORBES. (Lieutenant, 1843. f-p., 14; h-p., 0.)

Frederick Edwyn Forbes, born 3 April, 1819, is second surviving son of Retired-Capt. John Forbes, R.N.

This officer entered the Navy 14 Aug. 1833; passed his examination 5 Jan. 1839; and served, as Mate, in the West Indies, South America, and the East Indies, on board the Skipjack schooner, Lieut.-Commander Augustus Chas. May, Champion 18, Capt. Rich. Byron, North Star 26, Capt. Sir Jas. Everard Home, and Cornwallis 72, flag-ship of Sir Wm. Parker. Since his promotion, which took place 29 Aug. 1843, his appointments have been – 7 Sept. 1843 and 2 July, 1844, to the Serpent 16, Capt. Wm. Nevill, and Wolf 18, Capts. Geo. Evan Davis and Jas. Alex. Gordon, both in the East Indies – and, 19 Oct. 1846, to the Penelope steam-frigate, bearing the broad pendant of Sir Chas. Hotham on the coast of Africa, where he is at present serving.