A Naval Biographical Dictionary/Fowler, George Campbell

1717926A Naval Biographical Dictionary — Fowler, George CampbellWilliam Richard O'Byrne

FOWLER. (Lieutenant, 1841.)

George Campbell Fowler is third son of Rear-Admiral R. M. Fowler.

This officer entered the Navy 3 Feb. 1833. Among other operations on the coast of China, he commanded, as Acting-Lieutenant of the Wellesley, one of three boats belonging to that ship, and assisted by his great exertions in towing clear a flotilla of nearly 20 of the enemy’s fire-vessels, most of them chained in couples and some even three together, which had been expressly intended for the Wellesley’s destruction.[1] Having been confirmed in the rank of Lieutenant by commission dated 6 May, 1841, he afterwards, on leaving the Wellesley, joined in that capacity, 8 Dec. 1842, the Indus 78, Capt. Sir Jas. Stirling, on the Mediterranean station. Since 10 Nov. 1845, he has been serving, at Devonport and the Nore, in the Queen 110, flag-ship of Sir John West, and William and Mary yacht, Commander Sir J. J. G. Bremer.

He married, 22 Sept. 1846, Catherine Elizabeth, youngest surviving daughter of the late Wm. Innes Pocock, Esq., Lieut. R.N . (1811), who died 13 March, 1836. Agents – Messrs. Halford and Co.

  1. Vide Gaz. 1842, p. 2514.