A Naval Biographical Dictionary/Frankland, Charles Colville

1718309A Naval Biographical Dictionary — Frankland, Charles ColvilleWilliam Richard O'Byrne

FRANKLAND. (Captain, 1841. f-p., 16; h-p., 21.)

Charles Colville Frankland, born 10 Feb. 1797, at Bath, is next brother of Capt. E. A.Frankland, R.N.

This officer entered the Royal Naval College 10 Aug. 1810; and embarked, 13 Jan. 1813, as a Volunteer, on board the Aquilon 32, commanded by his cousin, Capt. Wm. Bowles, with whom he returned home from South America, in July, 1814, as Midshipman of La Ceres 32. He subsequently served in the West Indies, and again on the South American station, in the Magnificent 74, Capt. Willoughby Thos. Lake, and in his old ship the Amphion, bearing the broad pendant of his relative, Commodore Bowles, who appointed him Acting-Lieutenant, 15 Oct. 1818, of the Andromache, Capt. Wm. Henry Shirreff. At the period of his official promotion, which took place 26 March, 1819, Mr. Frankland was filling the confidential post of private Secretary to his Captain, then senior officer in the Pacific. In the following month he crossed the Andes and Pampas mountains as the bearer of despatches for the Admiralty, and on 26 April, 1825, after a servitude of three years and a half in the Semiramis 42, as Flag-Lieutenant at Cork to his uncle. Lord Colville, he was promoted to the rank of Commander. His next appointment was, 4 Feb. 1840, to the Pearl 20, in which ship we find him discharging the duties of senior officer on the northern coast of Brazil, and in the Rio de la Plata, until July, 1842, when he was superseded, having been advanced to Post-rank on 23 of the previous Nov. He afterwards served as Secretary to Rear-Admiral Bowles on the Irish station from 29 May to 15 Sept. 1843; and from 8 Oct. 1845, until Oct. 1846, he had command of the Alarm 26, on the North America and West India station.

Capt. Frankland officiated as Page of Honour to Lord Colville at the coronation of George IV. He has published two books of travels. Agents – Goode and Lawrence.