1719305A Naval Biographical Dictionary — Fraser, JohnWilliam Richard O'Byrne

FRASER. (Captain, 1841. f-p., 24; h-p., 18.)

John Fraser entered the Navy, 11 Nov. 1805, as Fst.-cl. Vol., on board the Acasta 40, Capt. Rich. Dalling Dunn, with which officer he continued to serve, in the Royal George, flag-ship of Sir John Duckworth, San Josef 110, Hibernia 110, and Armide 33, until Aug. 1812. He took part, on board the Acasta, in the action off St. Domingo, 6 Feb. 1806; was in the Royal George at the passage of the Dardanells, in Feb. 1807; and, while attached to the San Josef, served with the flotilla in the expedition to the Walcheren in 1809, and co-operated in the defence of Cadiz, where, in April, 1810, he beheld the fall of Fort Matagorda. Being promoted to a Lieutenancy, 1 Jan. 1813, in the San Juan, flag-ship at Gibraltar of Rear-Admiral Sam. Hood Linzee, he next served, from Aug. 1814 to Oct. 1815, in the Granicus 36, Capt. Wm. Furlong Wise, off Lisbon, and was afterwards appointed, on the West India and Mediterranean stations – 21 March, 1821, to the Glasgow 50, Capt. Bentinck Cavendish Doyle – 10 Aug. 1826, to the Barham 50, Capt. Sir John Louis – and, 15 May, 1828, to the Windsor Castle 74, Capt. Hon. Duncumbe Pleydell Bouverie. As Commander, a rank he assumed 22 Feb. 1831, Capt. Fraser served, from 21 Sept. 1835 until 22 Aug. 1839, in the Nimrod 20, on the West India station. He acquired his present rank 23 Nov. 1841, but has not since been employed.

He married, 29 Dec. 1838, Catherine, daughter of J. Edwards, Esq., Receiver-General at Jamaica. Agents – Messrs. Stilwell.