A Naval Biographical Dictionary/Gayton, Charles

1720923A Naval Biographical Dictionary — Gayton, CharlesWilliam Richard O'Byrne

GAYTON. (Commander, 1841.)

Charles Gayton entered the Navy 26 July, 1811; and was confirmed to a Lieutenancy, 30 Dec. 1824, in the Rifleman 18, Capts. Wm. Carleton and Wm. Webb, on the Halifax station. He was afterwards appointed – 24 July, 1827, to the Prince Regent 120, flag-ship at the Nore of Sir Robt. Moorsom and Hon. Sir Henry Blackwood – 1 May, 1830, to the St. Vincent 120, in which and other ships he officiated for three years as Flag-Lieutenant to Sir Thos. Foley at Portsmouth – 1 Sept. 1835, to the Britannia 120, bearing the flag at the same place of Sir Thos. Williams – 1 May, 1836, to the Royal Adelaide 104, flag-ship at Plymouth of Lord Amelius Beauclerk – and, 13 Feb. 1837, to the command in the Mediterranean of the Scorpion 10. He was promoted from the lattrr vessel to the rank he now holds 23 Nov. 1841; and, since 8 April, 1843, has been employed as an Inspecting Commander in the Coast Guard. Agents – Messrs. Ommanney.