A Naval Biographical Dictionary/Giffard, James

1721372A Naval Biographical Dictionary — Giffard, JamesWilliam Richard O'Byrne

GIFFARD. (Lieutenant, 1814.)

James Giffard died aboat the commencement of 1847.

This officer entered the Navy, 6 Aug. 1807, as Sec.-cl. Boy, on board the Téméraire 98, Capt. Sir Chas. Hamilton, flag-ship afterwards in the Baltic and Mediterranean of Rear- Admirals Manley Dixon and Fras. Pickmore. In Dec. 1811, he became Midshipman of the Ville de Paris, 110, Capt. Geo. Burlton, on the latter station, where, until his promotion, 6 July, 1814, he continued to serve, in the Blossom, Capt. Wm. Stewart, Swallow and Kite sloops, Capts. Geo. Canning, Rowland Mainwaring, and Thos. Forster, San Josef 110, flag-ship of Sir Rich. King, Endymion prize-brig, Capt. Cornish, and Rainbow 26, Capt. Jas. Wemyss. From 3 Jan. to 31 May, 1815, he cruized on the Irish station in the Menai 24, Capt. Watkin Owen Pell; after which he obtained an appointment in the Water Guard, 14 Dec. 1820, and was invested with the command, 16 Dec. 1825, of the Dolphin Revenue-cutter. From the date of his quitting the latter vessel Mr. Giffard remained, we believe, unemployed.