A Naval Biographical Dictionary/Glynn, Henry Richard (a)

1722240A Naval Biographical Dictionary — Glynn, Henry Richard (a)William Richard O'Byrne

GLYNN. (Admiral of the Blue, 1846. f-p., 16; h-p., 51.)

Henry Richard Glynn entered the Navy, 19 May, 1780, as Fst.-cl. Vol., on board the Bellona 74, Capt. Rich. Onslow, whom he accompanied, as Midshipman, to the West Indies. From 1783 until the receipt of his first commission, dated 28 Oct. 1790, he served, at Portsmouth, Jamaica, and Halifax, in the Pégase, Capt. Sam. Marshall, Camilla, Capt. John Hutt, and Adamant, flag-ship of Sir Richard Hughes; and he then successively joined – 17 Sept. 1791, the Syren, Capt. John Mauley – and, 24 Feb. 1794, the Royal George 100, bearing the flag of the late Lord Bridport, under whom he took part in the actions of 1 June, 1794, and 23 June, 1795. Attaining the rank of Commander 29 June, 1795, Capt. Glynn, on 3 Oct. 1796, procured an appointment to the Scourge 16, in which sloop he captured, 21 Feb. 1797, Le Furet French privateer of 10 guns and 50 men. As Post-Captain, a rank he attained on 10 April in the latter year, his appointments appear to have been – 21 Sept. 1801, for about 12 months, to the Amethyst frigate, on the Channel station – and lastly, 27 Jan. 1809, to the Vanguard 74, in which he served in the Baltic until Dec. 1811. He became a Rear-Admiral 19 July, 1821; a Vice-Admiral 10 Jan. 1837; and a full Admiral 9 Nov. 1846.

This officer was Mayor of Plymouth in 1838. He is a widower; and has a family.