A Naval Biographical Dictionary/Gordon, Charles (b)

1724472A Naval Biographical Dictionary — Gordon, Charles (b)William Richard O'Byrne

GORDON. (Captain, 1828.)

Charles Gordon (b) entered the Navy, 19 June, 1810, as Fst.-cl. Vol., on board the Hussar 38, Capts. Alex. Skene and Jas. Coutts Crawford, part of the force employed at the reduction of Java in Sept. . He continued to serve with Capt. Crawford in the East Indies, latterly as Midshipman of the Modeste frigate, until his return to England in the spring of 1813, when he joined for a brief period the Thisbe 28, bearing the flag of Sir Chas. Hamilton in the river Thames. The after-part of the French and American wars was passed by Mr. Gordon on the Newfoundland, Home, and Chesapeake stations, in the Bellerophon 74, flag-ship of Sir Rich. Goodwin Keats, Royal Sovereign yacht, Capt. Sir Edw. Berry, and Erebus rocket-ship, Capts. John Forbes and David Ewen Bartholomew. While under the latter officer, he was actively employed in the brilliant expedition conducted by Sir Jas. Alex. Gordon against Alexandria in Aug. 1814, during the operations connected with which the Erebus sustained a loss of 3 men killed and 14 wounded; and he also shared in the attack upon Baltimore. Until promoted to the rank of Lieutenant, 14 July, 1818, Mr. Gordon next served in the East Indies and Mediterranean on board the Larne 20, Capt. Sir John Gordon Sinclair, Challenger and Zebra sloops, both commanded by Capt. Henry Forbes, and Ganymede 26, Capt. Hon. Robt. Cavendish Spencer. He was then successively appointed, on the Mediterranean and Cape of Good Hope stations, in Aug. 1818, to the Tagus 42, Capt. Jas. Whitley Deans Dundas – 12 Jan. 1819, to the Active 46, Capt. Sir Jas. Alex. Gordon – and 29 March, 1822, to the Ariadne 26, Capts. Constantine Richard Moorsom. and Isham Fleming Chapman. Assuming the rank of Commander 6 Jan. 1826, he next, on 17 April, 1827, joined the Cadmus 10, stationed in South America. He returned home on the receipt of his Post-commission, bearing date 17 April, 1828, and has since been on half-pay. Agents – Hallett and Robinson.