A Naval Biographical Dictionary/Griffiths, Joseph

1730392A Naval Biographical Dictionary — Griffiths, JosephWilliam Richard O'Byrne

GRIFFITHS. (Commander, 1819. f-p., 28; h-p., 31.)

Joseph Griffiths was born in Dec. 1776.

This officer entered the Navy, in Feb. 1788, as Captain’s Servant, on board the Royal Charlotte yacht, Capt. Sir Hyde Parker, whom he soon accompanied into the Brunswick 74. In June, 1790, he removed as Midshipman to the Windsor Castle 98, bearing the flag of Rear-Admiral Herbert Sawyer in the Channel, whence, towards the close of the same year, he proceeded to North America and the West Indies in the Winchelsea 32, Capt. Rich. Fisher. On his return home, at the commencement of the French Revolutionary war, he joined the Sheerness 44, and next the Repulse 64, both commanded by Capt. Wm. Geo. Fairfax; with whom he continued until promoted to a Lieutenancy, 19 Aug. 1795, in the Calcutta 54, Capt. Wm. Bligh. He was subsequently appointed, on the Home, Mediterranean, and West India stations – 4 Jan. 1796, to the Director 64, also commanded by Capt. Bligh – 10 March, 1797, to the Formidable 98, Capt. Hon. Geo. Cranfield Berkeley – 3 Nov. 1797, to the Barfleur 98, Capt. Jas. Rich. Dacres – in Dec. 1798 and June, 1799, to the Foudroyant 80, and Vanguard 74, in which ships, each commanded by Capt. Wm. Brown, he served at the siege of St. Elmo, and throughout the operations under Lord Nelson in the Bay of Naples – 31 March, 1800, to the Magnificent 74, Capts. Edw. Bowater and John Giffard, in partial command of whose boats he ably supported those of the Montagu 74, at the cutting-out, 12 Oct, following, of 12 French merchantmen from under the heavy fire of a battery in the port of Danenne, near L’Orient[1] – 17 Oct. 1803, after an interval of 17 months, to the Sea Fencibles at Barnstaple – and, 15 Sept. 1806, 11 Dec. 1807, and 10 June and 10 Sept. 1815, to the successive command, on the Baltic, North Sea, Channel, and Irish stations, of the Rook schooner, Mariner gun-brig, Sylvia cutter, and Musquedobet schooner, in the two former of which vessels he attended the expeditions to Copenhagen and the Walcheren. Having paid off the Musquedobet in Dec. 1818, he was advanced, 12 Aug. 1819, to the rank he now holds. He has not since been afloat.

Commander Griffiths, who married in April, 1804, has issue four sons and one daughter. His eldest son, Herbert Lloyd Griffiths, is a Lieutenant R.N. Agents – Hallett and Robinson.

  1. Vide Gaz. 1800, p. 1205.