A Naval Biographical Dictionary/Hamilton, Henry George

1736246A Naval Biographical Dictionary — Hamilton, Henry GeorgeWilliam Richard O'Byrne

HAMILTON. (Commander, 1834. f-p., 10; h-p., 15.)

Henry George Hamilton is second son of W. K. Hamilton, Esq.

This officer entered the Navy 7 Oct. 1822; passed his examination in 1828; obtained his first commission 26 Aug. 1829; joined, 30 Jan. 1832, the Childers 18, Capt. Robt. Deans, employed on particular service; became Flag-Lieutenant, 7 Dec. 1832, to Sir Geo. Cockburn, in the Vernon 50, on the North America and West India station; and was promoted, in consequence of a death vacancy, to the command, 12 Aug. 1834, of the Tweed 20. He was paid off 22 Nov. following, and has not since been employed.

Commander Hamilton married, 7 June, 1845, Fanny Elizabeth, eldest daughter of the late Rev. Chas. Tower, of Shengfield Place, Essex.