A Naval Biographical Dictionary/Hamond, Andrew Snape

1736877A Naval Biographical Dictionary — Hamond, Andrew SnapeWilliam Richard O'Byrne

HAMOND. (Captain, 1846.)

Andrew Snape Hamond was much employed in the Talbot in the suppression of piracy in the Archipelago, and was present at the capture of a piratical corvette of 18 guns from under the batteries at Hydra. He assisted also at the reduction, by the combined forces of Great Britain and France, of Morea Castle, the last hold of the Turks in the Peloponnesus. When a Lieutenant of the Melville he obtained the thanks of the Royal Humane Society on vellum “for his gallant attempt to save the life of Lieut. John Gore, on the occasion of his jumping overboard in a heavy gale of wind off the Cape of Good Hope to save the life of a seaman.” Lieut. Jas. Lewis Fitzgerald, and several others who united in the vain endeavour to rescue Mr. Gore, were drowned. In 1839, while on his passage home from the West Indies in the Pigeon packet, Capt. Hamond, at personal risk, and with injury indeed to himself, was the means of preserving that vessel from being burnt at sea, by extinguishing a fire which, through the carelessness of her crew, had broken out in the hold. The Salamander he commanded for nearly five years. During that period he proved instrumental, by the valuable assistance he afforded, to the suppression of an alarming conflagration which broke out, and lasted for two days, in the town of Valparaiso, For his conduct he received, as did his officers and ship’s company, many of whom were hurt, the special thanks of the President of Chili, the Governor of Valparaiso, and his own Commander-in-Chief, Rear-Admiral Rich. Thomas. He was also for two years employed at Otaheite; and for several important services which he there performed he was promoted to the rank he now holds, at the particular recommendation of Sir Geo. Fras. Seymour, who had succeeded Rear-Admiral Thomas. Capt. Hamond