A Naval Biographical Dictionary/Hare, Richard

1739066A Naval Biographical Dictionary — Hare, RichardWilliam Richard O'Byrne

HARE. (Lieutenant, 1814. f-p., 9; h-p., 32.)

Richard Hare, born 20 Nov. 1793, in the parish of St. Pancras, co. Middlesex, is son of Rich. Hare, Esq., of the same place; and first-cousin of Lieut. Chas. Hare, R.N.

This officer entered the Navy, 25 March, 1806, as Fst.-cl. Vol., on board the Medusa 32, Capt. Hon. Duncombe Pleydell Bouverie, and removed soon afterwards to La Chiffonne 36, Capt. John Wainwright, in which frigate he was occasionally in action with the Spanish batteries and gun-boats in the Mediterranean, and, on proceeding to the East Indies, accompanied an expedition against the pirates of the Persian Gulf, where he assisted, as Midshipman, at the destruction of the strong town of Ras-al-Khyma, and of more than 80 vessels In Nov. 1810 he was transferred to the Belliqueux 64, Capt. Hon. Geo. Byng, then at China; and, on his subsequent return to England in La Chiffonne, he further joined, in Aug. 1811 and Dec. 1813, the Bulwark and Venerable 74’s, flag-ships of the late Sir Philip Durham in the Channel and West Indies. On his passage to the latter station, Mr. Hare contributed, in company with the Cyane [errata 1] sloop, to the capture, not without opposition, of the French 44-gun frigates Iphigénie and Alcmène, 16 and 20 Jan. 1814. On 28 of the following month he was appointed Acting-Lieutenant of the Spider 12, Capt. Robt. Jas. Gordon, employed off Antigua;, and, on 16 Sept. in the same year he was confirmed into the Orontes 36, Capt. Nathaniel Day Cochrane, also in the West Indies. He has been on half-pay since March, 1815.

Lieut. Hare married, 18 June, 1835, Mary Combe, daughter of John Maddison, Esq., of Bath, formerly of Little Grimsby, co. Lincoln, by whom he has issue two sons and a daughter. Agents – Coplands and Burnett.

  1. Original: Cyrené was amended to Cyane : detail