A Naval Biographical Dictionary/Harris, William Clark

1740163A Naval Biographical Dictionary — Harris, William ClarkWilliam Richard O'Byrne

HARRIS. (Lieut., 1811. f-p., 25; h-p., 22.)

William Clark Harris entered the Navy, 6 Jan. 1800, as a Volunteer, on board the Alarm frigate, Capt. Robt. Rolles, on the Jamaica station, where, from the following Oct. until Feb. 1806, he served, as Midshipman, in the Apollo frigate, Capt. Peter Halkett, Hunter and Goelan sloops, Capts. Sam. Hood Inglefield and John Ayscough, and Pitt schooner, Lieut.-Commander Michael Fitton. He then, for the purpose of returning home, joined Le Brave, Capt. Edm. Boger, which ship, however, one of those taken in the action off St. Domingo, unfortunately foundered during her passage in a gale between the Western Islands and the banks of Newfoundland, 12 April, 1806, just affording time for her officers and crew to be rescued by the Donegal 74, Capt. Pulteney Malcolm, then in company. Owing to the consequent loss of his certificates and other papers, and to the Pitt’s books not being sent to England, Mr. Harris, although he had served his time, was unable to pass his examination at Somerset House until the summer of 1808, by which period he had been further employed for two years, chiefly as Master’s Mate, and on various stations, in the Ganges 74, Capt. Peter Halkett, and Hibernia 120, flag-ship of Sir Chas. Cotton. From the latter date, until officially promoted, 18 April, 1811, we find him successively officiating as Acting-Lieutenant, on the Lisbon and Mediterranean stations, of the Hindostan 50, armée en flûte, Capts. Geo. Skinner and John Pasco, Merope, Capts. John Houstoun and Edw. Flinn, Pelorus 18, Capt. Thos. Huskisson, Thalia 36, Capt. Jas. Giles Vashon, and Shark receiving-ship, Capt. Nicholas Pateshall. He was afterwards re-appointed to the Shark, but, being obliged to invalid in Feb. 1812 from a severe affection of the eyes, was next employed, from 13 of the following Oct. until 4 Oct. 1814, in the Kron Princessinn Maria, prison-ship at Portsmouth, Lieut.-Commander Thos. Burdwood, and Enterprize, Impress service-ship, on the river Thames, Capt. Thos. Richbell. His appointments have since been – 3 Sept. 1825, to the command of the Dove Revenue-vessel – 15 July, 1829, to be Agent for Transports Afloat, the duties of which office he continued to fill, with the exception of a few months in 1830, until 1834 – and 21 May, 1842, again to the Transport service, in which he is still employed. Agents – Pettet and Newton.