A Naval Biographical Dictionary/Hearle, Robert

1745260A Naval Biographical Dictionary — Hearle, RobertWilliam Richard O'Byrne

HEARLE. (Retired Commander, 1840. f-p., 26; h-p., 30.)

Robert Hearle entered the Navy, in 1791, as A.B., on board the Fly sloop, Capt. Jas. Drew, on the Newfoundland station; served, next, in the Hannibal 74, commanded at Plymouth by Capt. John Colpoys; and in July, 1792, became Midshipman of the Porcupine 24, Capts. Edw. Buller and Robt. Barlow, employed off the coast of Ireland and in the Channel. From July, 1793, until promoted to the rank of Lieutenant 9 May, 1797, he further served with Capt. Barlow on the Home station, the last two years as Master’s Mate, in the Pegasus 28, Aquilon 32, and Phoebe 36. He then joined the Pomona armed brig, Capt. Joseph Eyles, and, in Feb. 1798, the Nemesis 28, Capts. Robt. Dudley Oliver, Thos. Baker, Edw. W. C. R. Owen, and Philip Somerville; under the second named of whom he shared, 25 July, 1800, in a smart conflict of 25 minutes, which terminated in the capture of the Danish frigate 'Freija'. From Aug. 1802, the date of his quitting the Nemesis, until 1817, Mr. Hearle commanded a cutter under the Board of Customs. He was placed on the Junior List of Retired Commanders 26 Nov. 1830, and on the Senior 14 Jan. 1840.

Commander Hearle was left a widower 21 June, 1837. One of his daughters is married to the present Lieut. B. Hooper, R.N.