1750964A Naval Biographical Dictionary — Hire, HenryWilliam Richard O'Byrne

HIRE. (Lieutenant, 1808.)

Henry Hire is brother of the late Lieut. Fred. Hire, R.N.

This officer entered the Navy, 29 July, 1801, as Midshipman, on board the Prince George 98, Capt. John Tremayne Rodd, bearing the flag in the Channel of Sir Chas. Cotton, with whom he continued until April, 1802. Re-embarking, in Feb. 1803, on board the Boadicea 38, Capt. John Maitland, he took part, in the following Aug., while on his return from Ferrol, in a self-sought and very gallant skirmish fought by that frigate with the French 74 Le Duguay Trouin. Towards the close of the same year he rejoined Sir C. Cotton in the San Josef 110, flag-ship afterwards of Sir Jas. Saumarez, in which he remained until June, 1807. He then removed to the Ville de Paris 110, bearing the flag of Lord Gambier, but in May, 1808, was again placed under the orders of Sir C. Cotton, on board the Hibernia 110, part of the force employed on the Lisbon station, where, on 16 of the following Oct., he was confirmed a Lieutenant in the Primrose 18. He removed soon afterwards to the Audacious 74, Capts. Thos. Le Marchant Gosselin and Donald Campbell, on the North Sea station. On leaving that ship he served with great activity, from March, 1810, to Aug. 1813, in the Nautilus 18, commanded in the Mediterranean by Capt. Thos. Dench (whom see); and he then cruized for 15 months with Capts. Benj. Crispin and Jas. Arthur Murray in the Scout 18, also in the Mediterranean. We believe he has been in command, ever since Oct. 1823, of the Convict ship at Bermuda.

Lieut. Hire is married and has issue. One of his children, Henry William, is a Lieutenant, R.N.; and another, Unity Isabella, the wife of John Scott Tucker, Esq., third son of the late Joseph Tucker, Esq., Surveyor of the Navy. Agents – Messrs. Halford and Co.