A Naval Biographical Dictionary/Hunter, Valentine Peter

1761925A Naval Biographical Dictionary — Hunter, Valentine PeterWilliam Richard O'Byrne

HUNTER. (Lieut., 1815. f-p., 20; h-p., 24.)

Valentine Peter Hunter was born 21 Aug. 1794.

This officer entered the Navy, in Oct. 1803, as Fst.-cl. Vol., on board the Raisonnable 64, Capts. Wm. Hotham, Robt. Barton, Josias Rowley, and John Hatley; in which ship, under Capt. Rowley, he participated in Sir Robt. Calder’s action, was present at the reduction of the Cape of Good Hope, of Buenos Ayres, and Monte Video, served at the blockade of the Isles of France and Bourbon, and assisted, as Midshipman, at the capture of the town of St. Paul’s. Returning home in July, 1810, he was next, in March, 1811, received on board the Laurel 38, Capt. Sam. Campbell Rowley. In the following May he rejoined Capt. Josias Rowley in the America 74, and, continuing to serve with him until Oct. 1814, was most actively employed during that period on the Mediterranean station, where, besides enacting a part in numerous cutting-out affairs, and other detached services against the enemy’s towns and batteries, he witnessed the unsuccessful attack upon Leghorn, and co-operated in the reduction of Genoa. Proceeding in the autumn of 1814 to New Orleans in the Vengeur 74, Capt. Tristram Robt. Ricketts, he served on shore with the army, and was wounded in the legs in the battle which proved so disastrous to the British. He was also present at the capture of Fort Bowyer, Mobille, on which occasion he took the American Colonel, Lawrence, a prisoner to Sir Alex. Cochrane, and had the honour, we believe, of firing the last shot of the war. In April, 1815, he received a commission dated on 7 of the previous Feb.; and he was afterwards, with the exception of an interval of three months in the autumn of 1832, employed, from 27 Dec. 1830 until 31 May, 1839, in the Coast Blockade (as Supernumerary-Lieutenant of the Talavera 74, Capts. Hugh Pigot and David Colby) and Coast Guard. He has since been unemployed.

Lieut. Hunter married Miss M. Gibbs, by whom he has issue a son and four daughters.