A Naval Biographical Dictionary/Hynson, Joseph

1764020A Naval Biographical Dictionary — Hynson, JosephWilliam Richard O'Byrne

HYNSON. (Lieut., 1814. f-p., 10; h-p., 33.)

Joseph Hynson entered the Navy, 10 Aug. 1804, as Midshipman, on board the Tigre 74, Capt. Benj. Hallowell, in which ship he accompanied Lord Nelson to the West Indies in his celebrated pursuit of the combined squadrons. In Nov. 1812, Capt. Hallowell having hoisted his flag as Rear-Admiral on board the Malta 84, he joined him as Master’s Mate in that ship. He continued with him until made Lieutenant, 23 Dec. 1814, into the Partridge sloop, Capt. John Miller Adye; and since Sept. 1815 has been on half-pay. Agents – Coplands and Burnett.