A Naval Biographical Dictionary/James, Thomas

1768464A Naval Biographical Dictionary — James, ThomasWilliam Richard O'Byrne

JAMES. (Lieutenant, 1821, f-p., 22; h-p., 13.)

Thomas James is son of the late John James, Esq., of Truro, Cornwall.

This officer entered the Navy, 28 May, 1812, as Fst.-cl. Vol., on board the Barham 74, Capt. John Wm. Spranger, stationed in the North Sea; and from the following Nov. until the conclusion of the war was employed in the Channel and West Indies, the latter part of the time as Midshipman, in the Rhin 38, Capt. Chas. Malcolm. He next served for six years on the African station in the Orontes 36, Capt. Nathaniel Day Cochrane, Podargus 14, Capts. Jas. Wallis, Henry John Rous, and Jas. Cairnes, Racoon 26, Capt. Jas. Wallis, Myrmidon 20, Capt. Henry J. Lake, Tartar 42, Commodore Sir Geo. Ralph Collier and Pheasant 18, Capt. Benedictus Marwood Kelly. In Sept. 1821, after having acted for six months as Lieutenant of the latter vessel, he took up a commission dated 28 of the previous April. His appointments have since been – 3 May, to the Coast Guard – 24 July, 1833, to the command of the Pigeon Falmouth packet – 25 Jan. 1843 (after a few months of half-pay), Agent in a contract mail steam-vessel – and, 26 June, 1846, to the command of the Express brig, in which he is again employed on the Falmouth station.

He married, in 1833, Emma, daughter of the late H. P. Andrews, Esq., of Bordean, Cornwall, by whom he has issue. Agents – Holmes and Folkard.