A Naval Biographical Dictionary/Jay, Charles Hawse

1769682A Naval Biographical Dictionary — Jay, Charles HawseWilliam Richard O'Byrne

JAY. (Commander, 1841.)

Charles Hawse Jay entered the Navy, 1 May, 1801, as A.B., on board the Monmouth 64, Capt. Geo. Hart, under whom (we except an attachment of a few months in 1803-4 to the Amphion 32, Capt. Sam. Sutton) he continued to serve, on the Mediterranean and North Sea stations, the greater part of the time as Midshipman, until May, 1805. He was then borne for a few months, as a Supernumerary, on the books of the Winchelsea frigate, Capt. Wm. Cockraft, lying at Sheerness, whence, towards the close of the same year, he returned to the Mediterranean in the Standard 64, Capt. Thos. Harvey. After assisting at the passage of the Dardanells in Feb. 1807, on which occasion he was slightly wounded,[1] Mr. Jay, on Capt. Aiskew Paffard Hollis succeeding to the command of the Standard, proceeded to the Baltic. Arrived on that station, he removed, in Jan. 1810, to the Snipe cutter, Lieut.Commander Chas. Champion, and was there actively employed until June, 1811. During the next two years he presents himself to our notice as serving atSheerness on board the Raisonnable 64, Capts. Thos. New, Chas. Hewitt, and Edw. Sneyd Clay; and from July, 1813, until July, 1814, we find him in command, the last six months with the rank of Acting-Lieutenant, of the gun-boats Nos. 14 and 19, on the north coast of Spain. On his return to Sheerness Mr. Jay was received as a Supernumerary on board the Namur 74, flag-ship of Sir Thos. Williams. During the few months immediately antecedent to his promotion to the rank of Lieutenant 6 Feb. 1815, he served, it appears, in the Venerable 74, bearing the flag in the West Indies of the late Sir Philip Durham. His next appointments were – 15 July, 1818, to the Ontario 18, Capt. Geo. Gosling, fitting at Plymouth – and, 13 Sept. 1822, and 31 May, 1823, to the Severn and Ramillies Coast-Blockade ships, Capts. Wm. M‘Culloch and Hugh Pigot. He has held the office, since 26 June, 1828, of Superintendent of Semaphores at the Admiralty. The commission he at present holds bears date 22 Oct. 1841.

Commander Jay, in consideration of the wound he received at the Dardanells, obtained a pecuniary grant from the Patriotic Society. He is married, and has issue. Agent – Fred. Dufaur.

  1. Vide Gaz. 1807, p. 597.