A Naval Biographical Dictionary/Johnstone, Robert Ballard

1772152A Naval Biographical Dictionary — Johnstone, Robert BallardWilliam Richard O'Byrne

JOHNSTONE. (Lieutenant, 1814. f-p., 7; h-p., 32.)

Robert Ballard Johnstone entered the Navy, in April, 1808, as Fst.-cl. Vol., on board the Resistance 38, Capt. Chas. Adam, with whom he continued to serve, in the same ship and, as Midshipman and Master’s Mate, in the Invincible 74, Capt. Chas. Adam, until Jan. 1814 – [errata 1] assisting, in the Invincible (independently of a participation in many particular services), at the defence of Tarragona, the destruction of the castle of St. Elmo, and the capture of the fort of St. Philippe, in the Col de Balaguer. He then joined in succession the Queen Charlotte and Impregnable, flag-ships of Lord Keith and the Duke of Clarence; and, on 27 June, 1814, after having escorted the Allied Sovereigns to England, and taken part in the grand naval review held at Spithead, was promoted to the rank of Lieutenant. During the latter part of 1814, and again for some months in 1815, we find him employed, on the Downs and Irish stations, in the Bermuda 10, Capt. Wm. Wolrige, and Nymphen 36, Capt. Matt. Smith. Being next, in July, 1816, appointed to the Superb 74, Capt. Chas. Ekins, he sailed with the expedition against Algiers, where, on the day of the bombardment, he commanded gun-boat No. 24. He soon afterwards returned to England with Lord Exmouth in the Queen Charlotte 100, and has since been on half-pay.

  1. Original: witnessing, in the former, the capture, 13 March, 1806, of the Marengo 80, bearing the flag of Rear-Admiral Linois, and 40-gun frigate Belle Poule; and was amended to : detail