A Naval Biographical Dictionary/Kay, Joseph Henry

1775154A Naval Biographical Dictionary — Kay, Joseph HenryWilliam Richard O'Byrne

KAY, F.R.S. (Lieutenant, 1839.)

Joseph Henry Kay entered the Navy 18 Dec. 1827; passed his examination in 1834; obtained his commission 6 Aprils 1839; and, from 15 of the following May until his return to England in 1843, was employed on an explorative mission to the Antarctic regions in the Terror, Capt. Fras. Rawdon Moira Crozier, part of an expedition conducted under the orders of the present Sir Jas. Clark Ross.

Lieut. Kay, a Fellow of the Royal Society, is now Director of H.M. Magnetic Observatory at Hobart Town. He married, 6 Nov. 1845, Maria, daughter of Geo. Meredith, Esq., of Cambria, Great Swan Port.