A Naval Biographical Dictionary/Kemble, Frederick

1776481A Naval Biographical Dictionary — Kemble, FrederickWilliam Richard O'Byrne

KEMBLE. (Commander, 1845. f-p., 16: h-p., 2.)

Frederick Kemble was born 17 Sept. 1815.

This officer entered the Navy, 29 Sept. 1829, as Midshipman, on board the Ganges 84, Capts. John Hayes, Edw. Stirling Dickson, and Geo. Burdett on the Home station. From Feb. 1831 until Nov. 1836 he served in the Mediterranean, latterly as Mate, in the St. Vincent 120, and Caledonia 120 flag-ships of Hon. Sir Henry Hotham and Sir Josias Rowley; after which we find him, until promoted to the rank of Lieutenant 13 Nov. 1841, employed on the South American and North America and West India stations, in the Star 46, Commodore Thos. Ball Sulivan, and Winchester 52, bearing the flag of Sir Thos. Harvey. His succeeding appointments were – 21 Jan. 1842, to the Rover 18, Capt. Chas. Keele, on the station last named – 31 Jan. 1843, to the Excellent gunnery-ship at Portsmouth, Capt. Sir Thos. Hastings – and, 20 March following, to the Caledonia 120, as Flag-Lieutenant to Sir David Milne, Commander-in-Chief at Plymouth. He attained his present ranlt 29 April, 1845, and has since been on half-pay. Agent – Joseph Woodhead.