A Naval Biographical Dictionary/Kisbee, Thomas

1785593A Naval Biographical Dictionary — Kisbee, ThomasWilliam Richard O'Byrne

KISBEE. (Lieutenant, 1826.)

Thomas Kisbee entered the Navy 22 June, 1808; passed his examination in 1815; obtained his commission 27 March, 1826; and on 7 of the following July was appointed to the Coast Guard, in which service he was employed for a period of 15 years. Being nominated, 7 Sept. 1841, First-Lieutenant of the Driver steam-sloop, of 280 horse-power, Capts. Sam. Fielding Harmer and Courtenay Osborn Hayes, he continued so to officiate on the East India station until the early part of 1847, when he returned home and was paid off. He is now unemployed.