1786748A Naval Biographical Dictionary — Kyle, GeorgeWilliam Richard O'Byrne

KYLE. (Retired Commander, 1837. f-p., 19; h-p., 32.)

George Kyle entered the Navy, 22 June, 1796, as Midshipman, on board the Viper sloop, Capts. John Scoffln and H. H. Parker, on the Cork station; and from Sept. in the same year until Oct. 1800 was employed on Channel service, the last three years as Master’s Mate, in the Chapman armed ship, Capts. Wm. Cumberland, Robt. Keen, and Thos. Browne. He then joined the Elephant 74 Capts. Thos. Foley and Geo. Dundas, in which ship, after participating under Lord Nelson in the action off Copenhagen, 2 April, 1801, he proceeded to the West Indies, where, in 1803, he assisted at the blockade of Cape François, St. Domingo, and witnessed the capture of a squadron with the remains of General Rochambeau’s army on board. Removing next to the Hercule 74, bearing the flag of Sir John Thos. Duckworth, Mr. Kyle, in Jan. 1804, served on shore with the seamen and marines in the unsuccessful attempts upon Curaçoa. On 7 of the following July, after having acted for nearly four months as Lieutenant, he was confirmed in that rank in the Vigilante alias Suffisante sloop, Capts. Wm. Croft and Henry Laroche. His last appointments were, 16 Jan. 1806 and 24 Oct. 1811, to the Kangaroo sloop, Capts. H. Laroche, John Baker, John Bradley, and John Lloyd, and Aboukir 74, Capts. Geo. Parker, Thos. Browne, and Norborne Thompson. During his attachment to the Kangaroo, besides cruizing in the Channel, he attended the expedition to the Walcheren, and was employed in escorting convoys to Spain, Portugal, and the West Indies; and while in the Aboukir he commanded a gun-boat on the rivers Dwina and Aa during the defence of Riga in 1812, and was present at the siege and capture of Genoa in 1814. He went on half-pay in Sept. 1815, and accepted the rank he now holds 25 Jan. 1837.

Commander Kyle married, 4 Nov. 1817, Bliss Mary Irwin, and has issue two children.