A Naval Biographical Dictionary/Lane, William (b)

1789268A Naval Biographical Dictionary — Lane, William (b)William Richard O'Byrne

LANE. (Lieut., 1815. f-p. 25; h-p., 17.)

William Lane (b) entered the Navy, 13 Aug. 1805, as Fst.-cl. Vol., on board the Wolverene sloop, Capts. Thos. Smith and Fras. Augustus Collier, with the latter of whom he further served in the Circe 32, Star sloop, and Pelorus 18, on the West India station, until July, 1809. He assisted in consequence, at the capture of several of the enemy’s privateers and armed vessels, took part also in a successful attack made in Dec. 1808 by the Cyane and a small squadron on some batteries, a corvette and two schooners near the town of St. Pierre, Martinique, ond co-operated in the Star in the reduction of the latter island in Feb. 1809. During the remainder of the war we find Mr. Lane employed latterly as Acting-Lieutenant, in the Guachapin, Lieut.-Commander Wm. Weoland, Elizabeth 74, Capts. Hon. Henry Curzon and Thos. Searle, Theseus 74, Capt. Wm. Prowse, Narcissus 32, Capt. John Rich. Lumley, Tribune 36, flag-ship of Sir Fras. Laforey, and Grampus 50, Capt. F. A. Collier, on the Home, West India, and China stations. On leaving the latter ship in Aug. 1815, he took up a commission dated on 13 of the previous March. His appointments have since been – 8 Nov. 1815, to the Alban 12, Capt. Hugh Fatten, from which vessel, employed in the Solway Frith, he was superseded at his own request 29 Jan. 1817 – 17 Jan. 1828, and 29 March, 1829, to the Wasp and Raleigh sloops, Capts. Hon. Wm. Wellesley, Thos. Edw. Hoste, and Sir Wm. Dickson, attached to the force in the Mediterranean, whence he returned home, and was paid off in Dec. 1829 – 19 June, 1833, to the Coast Guard, in which he continued for a period of 11 years – and 8 June, 1846, to the Caledonia 120, Capt. Manley Hall Dixon, with whom he is now serving in the Channel.