A Naval Biographical Dictionary/Larcom, Joseph Pafford Dickson

1789868A Naval Biographical Dictionary — Larcom, Joseph Pafford DicksonWilliam Richard O'Byrne

LARCOM. (Captain, 1841. f-p., 20; h-p., 19.)

Joseph Pafford Dickson Larcom, born 14 Sept. 1795, is son of Commissioner Joseph Larcom, of Malta Dockyard, who had been promoted to the rank of Commander for his conduct as First of the Thunderer 74 in Lord Howe’s action 1 June, 1794, and died at Gibraltar, on his way to England, 17 Feb. 1818; and nephew of the present Vice-Admiral Geo. M‘Kinley, and of the late Vice-Admiral A. P. Hollis, and the late Capt. Thos. Larcom, R.N., who commanded the Russel 74 in Lord Bridport’s action in 1795, and was afterwards Flag-Captain to Rear-Admirals Sir Chas. Cotton and Cuthbert Collingwood, in the Prince 98, and Triumph 74.

This officer entered the Royal Naval College 13 Feb. 1808; and embarked, 22 June, 1810, as a Supermumerary, on board the San Josef 110, Capt. R. J. Neve, bearing the flag of Sir Chas. Cotton, Commander-in-Chief in the Mediterranean; where, from the following Sept. until the close of 1817, he was successively employed on board the Ville de Paris 110, Capt. Fras. Beaufort, Satellite sloop, Capt. Walter Bathurst, Frederickstein frigate, Capt. F. Beaufort, Thames 32, and Euryalus 36, both commanded by Capt. Chas. Napier, Caledonia 120, flag-ship of Lord Exmouth, Castor 32, Capt. Chas. Dilkes, Aboukir 74, Capt. Norborne Thompson, Paulina sloop, Capt. Rowland Mainwaring, Woodlark 10, Capt. Wm. Cutfield, Satellite again, Capt. Jas. Murray, and Albion 74, bearing the flag of Sir Chas. Vinicombe Penrose. In May, 1813, being then Midshipman of the Euryalus, Mr. Larcom served in the boats of that ship, and the Berwick 74, at the capture and destruction of La Fortune xebec of 10 guns, 4 swivels, and 95 men, and of 22 vessels collected under the batteries in the harbour of Cavalacie. The 26 Sept. 1814 was marked by his promotion to a Lieutenancy in the Castor. His appointments, after he left the Albion, were – 28 Nov. 1820, to the Atholl 28, Capt. Henry Bourchier, fitting for the Halifax station, whence he returned in 1824 – 7 March, 1825, to the Aurora 46, Capts. John Maxwell and Chas. John Austen, employed off Lisbon and in the West Indies – and, in 1828-9, to the Druid 46, Mersey 26, and Icarus 10, Capts. Williams Sandom, Geo. Wm. Conway Courtenay, and Hon. Thos. Best, all on the Jamaica station. He was there promoted, 8 Aug. 1829, to the command of the Harpy 10, which vessel he paid off 11 June, 1831; and from 10 June, 1841, until advanced, 23 Nov. following, to Post-rank, he had command of the Scout 18, on the Mediterranean station. He has since been on half-pay.

Capt. Larcom married, 17 Sept. 1844, his cousin, Westmoreland Jane, youngest daughter of Vice-Admiral M‘Kinley. Agent – J. Hinxman.