A Naval Biographical Dictionary/Leigh, Frederick George

1801897A Naval Biographical Dictionary — Leigh, Frederick GeorgeWilliam Richard O'Byrne

LEIGH. (One of the Junior Lieutenants.)

Frederick George Leigh entered the Navy 16 Sept. 1831; passed his examination 2 Dec. 1835; and, after having served as Mate in the Medea steamer, commanded in the Mediterranean by Capt. Fred. Warden, and Caledonia 120, flag-ship of Sir Graham Moore at Plymouth, was promoted to the rank of Lieutenant 7 Feb. 1842. His succeeding appointments were – 16 March, 1842, as Additional, to the Driver steam-vessel, Capt. Sam. Fielding Harmer, in the East Indies – 25 Aug. 1842, to the Apollo troop-ship, Capt. Chas. Frederick, with whom he returned to England in 1843 – and, 5 Feb. 1845, to the Stromboli steam-sloop, Capt. Thos. Fisher. On 25 Sept. following he was dismissed his ship by sentence of court-martial, and placed for two years at the bottom of the List of Lieutenants, for having over abused and punished the stoker. Agents – Goode and Lawrence.