A Naval Biographical Dictionary/Lloyd, William (a)

1807795A Naval Biographical Dictionary — Lloyd, William (a)William Richard O'Byrne

LLOYD. (Retired Commander, 1840. f-p., 17; h-p., 33.)

William Lloyd (a) entered the Navy, 1 May, 1797, as Fst.-cl. Vol., on board the Montagu 74, Capt. John Knight, stationed in the North Sea; served as Midshipman, from Jan. 1798, until wrecked 4 Nov. 1800, in the Marlborough 74, commanded in the Channel and Mediterranean by Capts. Joseph Ellison and Thos. Sotheby; and in Jan. 1801 joined the Superb 74, Capts. John Sutton and Rich. Goodwin Keats. While under the latter officer we find him sharing in Sir Jas. Saumarez’ action in the Gut of Gibraltar 12 July, 1801, accompanying Lord Nelson to the West Indies and back in 1805 in pursuit of the combined squadrons of France and Spain, and on 6 Feb. 1806 enacting a part in the action off St. Domingo. Immediately after the latter event he returned to England as Acting-Lieutenant of the Jupiter, Capt. Chas. Gill; and on 9 June in the same year he was officially promoted. His succeeding appointments were – 25 July, 1806, to the Ardent 64, Capts. Geo. Eyre, Ross Donnelly, and Edwin Henry Chamberlayne, in which ship he beheld the attack on Monte Video in Feb. 1807 – 28 April, 1808 (he had left the Ardent in the preceding Dec), and 7 Jan. 1809, to the Zebra and Cruizer sloops, Capts. Geo. Barne Trollope and Thos. Rich. Toker, employed on the Baltic and North Sea stations – and lastly, 12 Sept. 1814, after 10 months of half-pay, to the Kangaroo, Capt. Hall, with whom he cruized in the Channel and on the American coast until his return home in Aug. 1815. He accepted his present rank 19 Aug. 1840.

Commander Lloyd is a Police-Magistrate at Port Elizabeth, Cape of Good Hope.