A Naval Biographical Dictionary/Lyell, Thomas

1813495A Naval Biographical Dictionary — Lyell, ThomasWilliam Richard O'Byrne

LYELL. (Lieutenant, 1824.)

Thomas Lyell is second son of Chas. Lyell, Esq., of Kinnordy, co. Angus, a Magistrate and Vice-Lieutenant of that shire, by Frances, only daughter of Thomas Smith, Esq., of Maker Hall, Swaledale, co. York; and elder brother of Capt. Henry Lyell, of the 43rd Bengal Light Infantry. One of his aunts married Capt. Gilbert Heathcote R.N., brother of the present Admiral Sir Henry Heathcote, Kt.

This officer entered the Navy 14 July, 1813; obtained his commission 8 July, 1824; and was subsequently appointed – 2 July, 1825, to the Despatch sloop, Capt. Robt. White Parsons – 14 Jan. 1826, to the Maidstone 42, bearing the broad pendant of Commodore Chas. Bullen on the coast of Africa – for a short time in the spring of 1830, to the post of Flag-Lieutenant to the Earl of Northesk at Plymouth – 20 May, 1831, to the Tweed 20, Capt. Allan Bertram, in the West Indies – 22 Feb. 1832, as First-Lieutenant, to the Gannet 18, Capt. Mark Halpen, on the same station – and, 6 June, 1834, in a similar capacity (after several months of half-pay), to the Winchester 52, Capt. Edw. Sparshott, fitting at Chatham. He was superseded from the latter ship in the following July, and has since been on hallpay. Agent – J. Hinxman.