A Naval Biographical Dictionary/Macdonald, Gordon Gallie

1814841A Naval Biographical Dictionary — Macdonald, Gordon GallieWilliam Richard O'Byrne

MACDONALD. (Captain, 1846.)

Gordon Gallie Macdonald entered the Navy 21 July, 1809; and was made Lieutenant, 15 Dec. 1824, into the Rattlesnake 28, Capts. Hugh Patton and John Leith. His succeeding appointments were – 20 Dec. 1825, to the Prince Regent 120, flag-ship at the Nore of Sir Robt. Moorsom – 13 Nov. 1828, to the Childers 18, Capts. Wm. Morier and Robt. Deans, in which vessel, employed on various services, he continued, latterly as First-Lieutenant, until paid off in the early part of 1833 – 3 April, 1835, to the command (which he retained for nearly four years) of the Basilisk ketch, on the South American station – and 31 Oct. 1840, as Senior, to the Monarch 84, Capt. Sam. Chambers, fitting for the Mediterranean. He returned to England on the receipt of his second promotal commission, bearing date 23 Nov. 1841; and was lastly, from 28 Nov. 1842 until paid off in 1845, employed as SecondCaptain of the Dublin 50, flag-ship in the Pacific of Rear-Admiral Rich. Thomas. He attained his present rank 9 Nov. 1846.

Capt. Macdonald married, 13 Dec. 1842, Maria, relict of Wm. Gray, Esq., of the Inner Temple, and daughter of the Rev. Wm. Oddie, M.A. He was left a widower 4 Jan. 1846. Agents – Messrs. Ommanney.