A Naval Biographical Dictionary/Marshall, William (b)

1826166A Naval Biographical Dictionary — Marshall, William (b)William Richard O'Byrne

MARSHALL. (Commander, 1845.)

William Marshall (b) was born in Jan. 1796. This officer entered the Navy, 3 Sept. 1805, as a Volunteer, on board the Tartar 32, Capt. Edw. Hawker, employed on the Halifax station; where he continued to serve, until the conclusion of hostilities, in the Melampus 36, also commanded by Capt. Hawker, and in the Indian 18, Capt. Chas. John Austen, Horatio 38, Capt. Geo. Scott, Ruby 64, Capt. Ferrier, Guerrière of 48 guns and 244 men, Capt. Jas. Rich. Dacres, Belvidera 36, Capt. Rich. Byron, Merope 10, Capt. Wm. Benj. Suckling, and Wasp sloop, Capts. Peter Fisher and Wm. Woolridge. He was on board the Horatio at the capture, 21 Feb. 1810, after a long chase and a running fight of one hour, of La Nécessité, pierced for 40 guns, but not mounting more than 28, with a complement of 186 men; and, as Midshipman, on board the Guerrière, when taken, 19 Aug. 1812, notwithstanding a struggle of nearly an hour and three-quarters, attended with a loss of 15 killed and 63 wounded, by the United States ship Constitution, of 56 guns and 460 men, 7 of whom at least were killed and as many wounded. While attached to the Belvidera he was afforded an opportunity of seeing much boat-service. He remained in the Wasp, on the Mediterranean station, latterly in the capacity of Acting-Master, until the summer of 1818; and between that period and his promotion to the rank of Lieutenant, 29 July, 1825, was employed in the Coast Blockade as Midshipman and Mate of the Severn 40, Capt. Wm. M‘Culloch. He left the latter service, after having been further borne on the books of the Ramillies and Talavera 74’s, Capts. M‘Culloch and Hugh Pigot, in April, 1831; and was subsequently appointed – 15 April, 1831, to the Coast Guard – 30 June, 1834, to the command of the Nimble Revenue-vessel – 27 June, 1837, again to the Coast Guard – and 22 Dec. 1841, to the command of the Adelaide, another Revenue-cruizer. He acquired the rank he now holds 16 Jan. 1845, and has since been on half-pay. He married in 1821, and has issue five children. Agent – J. Hinxman.