A Naval Biographical Dictionary/Martin, George Bohun

1827332A Naval Biographical Dictionary — Martin, George BohunWilliam Richard O'Byrne

MARTIN, C.B., K.S.L., K.S.A., K.R.G. (Captain, 1828. f-p., 21; h-p., 14.)

George Bohun Martin is third and youngest son of the late Henry Martin, Esq., of Colston Basset, Notts, a Magistrate for the co., M.P. for Kinsale, and one of the Masters in Chancery, by Maria Elizabeth, daughter of Fras. Edmunds, Esq., of Worsborough, co. York. He is nephew of the late Sir Geo. Martin, G.C.B., G.C.M.G., Admiral of the Fleet.

This officer entered the Royal Naval College, 3 April, 1812; and_ embarked, 11 April, 1815, as Midshipman, on board the Impregnable 98, Capt. Sam. Campbell Rowley, bearing the flag of Sir Josias Rowley in the Mediterranean; where, in the following Oct., he removed to the Spartan 38, Capt. Phipps Hornby. Quitting that ship in July, 1816, he next, until the receipt of his first commission, dated 17 March, 1821, served on the Channel, Mediterranean, and Cork stations, in the Madagascar and Maeander[1] frigates, both commanded by Capt. Sir Jas. Alex. Gordon, Ganymede 26, Capts. Wm. M‘Culloch and Hon. Robt. Cavendish Spencer, Wasp sloop, Capt. Wm. Woolridge, Hyperion 42, Capt. Thos. Searle, Newcastle 60, Capt. Arthur Fanshawe, Cadmus and Brisk sloops, each under the orders of Capt. Jas. Montagu, Spencer 74, flagship of Sir Josias Rowley, and, as Acting-Lieutenant, in the Sappho sloop, Capt. Jas. Hanway Plumridge. On the date of his official promotion, as above, Mr. Martin was nominated Flag-Lieutenant, in the Queen Charlotte 100, to Admiral Sir Jas. Hawkins Whitshed, Commander-in-Chief at Portsmouth. Obtaining a second promotal commission in consequence, 24 April, 1824, he assumed command, 17 April, 1827, of the Musquito 10, and, returning to the Mediterranean, was afforded an opportunity of sharing, 20 Oct. following, in the battle of Navarin. His conduct on that occasion procured him the honours above indicated, and was the cause of his being advanced (as soon as he had served the necessary time as Commander) to Post-rank, 19 April, 1828. His next appointments were, 17 April, 1833, and 31 Oct. 1835, to the Volage 28, and Caledonia 120, flag-ship of Sir Josias Rowley, both in the Mediterranean, whence he returned in the autumn of 1837. He has been in command, since 4 Nov. 1844, of the Eagle 50; in which ship he at first conveyed Rear-Admiral Sam. Hood Inglefield to the south-east coast of America, was then employed in North America and the West Indies, and is now engaged in the performance of a particular service.

Capt. Martin married Isabella Harriett, daughter of Vice-Admiral Sir Thos. Briggs, G.C.M.G., by whom he has issue. Agents – Messrs. Chard.

  1. The Maeander, during a violent gale, struck upon a shoal off Orfordness, and was all but lost, 19 Dec. 1816.