A Naval Biographical Dictionary/Maude, William George (a)

1830456A Naval Biographical Dictionary — Maude, William George (a)William Richard O'Byrne

MAUDE. (Retired Commander, 1840. f-p., 9; h-p., 45.)

William George Maude (a) was born at York.

This officer entered the Navy, 28 Jan. 1793, as Captain’s Servant, on board the Leopard 50, Capt. John Maude, flag-ship of Rear-Admirals John Macbride and John Peyton; and in the following Nov., on his return from a voyage to St. Helena, joined the Thetis frigate, Capt. Hon. Alex. Inglis Cochrane; with whom he continued employed as Midshipman, on the Home and North American stations, until transferred, in Jan. 1796, to the Esperance sloop, Capt. Jonas Rose. Towards the close of 1797 we find him sailing for the Cape of Good Hope in the Garland frigate, Capt. John Clarke Searle; and in May, 1798, following that officer into the Tremendous 74, bearing the flag of Sir Hugh Cloberry Christian. On 23 Feb. 1799, at which period he was serving, still on the Cape station, in the Raisonnable 64, Capt. Chas. Boyles, Mr. Maude was nominated Acting-Lieutenant of the Daedalus 32, Capt. Henry Lidgbird Ball. Being confirmed to that ship 24 July, 1799, he continued in her on the East India station, in the capacity of First-Lieutenant, until 1801; in April of which year, owing to a liver complaint and an attack of yellow fever, he invalided. He was admitted to the out-pension of Greenwich Hospital 7 Nov. 1823; and invested with the rank of Commander on the Retired List 20 Oct. 1840.

He married Mary, daughter of the late Geo. Hebden, Esq., and sister of the present Jas. Hebden, Esq., of Appleton, co. York, as also of Henry Hebden, Esq., a Captain in the Army. His eldest son, William George, is a Commander R.N.; and his second, a Midshipman R.N., was drowned by the upsetting of a boat while belonging to the Salisbury, flag-ship at Bermuda of Rear-Admiral Wm. Chas. Fahie. Agents – Hallett and Robinson.