A Naval Biographical Dictionary/Meynell, Francis

1834102A Naval Biographical Dictionary — Meynell, FrancisWilliam Richard O'Byrne

MEYNELL. (Lieutenant, 1846.)

Francis Meynell served as Midshipman, during the campaign in China, on board the Calliope 26, Capt. Thos. Herbert, and was mentioned for the assistance he rendered at the capture, 13 March, 1841, of the last fort protecting the approaches to the city of Canton.[1] He passed his examination 17 Dec. 1842; and after having served for upwards of two years on the coast of Africa, as Mate, in the Penelope steamer. Commodore Wm. Jones, Rapid 10, Lieut.-Commander Edw. Chas. Earle, and Star 6, Capt. Robt. John Wallace Dunlop, was presented with a commission dated 15 Jan. 1846, and reappointed, in the capacity of Additional-Lieutenant, to the Penelope. He went on half-pay soon afterwards, and has not been since employed.

  1. Vide Gaz. 1841, p. 1503.