A Naval Biographical Dictionary/Moore, John Arthur

1840384A Naval Biographical Dictionary — Moore, John ArthurWilliam Richard O'Byrne

MOORE. (Lieut., 1815. f-p., 13; h-p., 28.)

John Arthur Moore entered the Navy, 22 July, 1806, as a Supernumerary, on board the Royal George 100, Capt. Thos. Gill, bearing the flag of Sir John Thos. Duckworth; and on 21 Oct. following joined, off Cadiz, the Ajax 74, Capt. Hon. Henry Blackwood; which ship, when near the island of Tenedos, accidentally caught fire and blew up 14 Feb. 1807. Being in consequence received as Midshipman on board the Thunderer 74, Capt. John Talbot, he was present at the ensuing passage of the Dardanells, and at the destruction of the Turkish squadron off Point Pesquies. During these operations he was slightly wounded.[1] He was next, from Sept. 1808 to June, 1813, again employed, under the orders of Capt. Blackwood, in the Warspite 74, on the Home station, and also in the Mediterranean; where, on 20 July, 1810, he participated in a very gallant skirmish, in which the British with a slender force beat back a powerful division of the French fleet. In Nov. 1813 he became Master’s Mate of the Orontes 36,.Capt. Nathaniel Day Cochrane; with whom he served, on the coast of Ireland and in the West Indies, until promoted to the rank of Lieutenant 18 Feb. 1815. From 24 Nov. 1823 until the early part of 1829 Mr. Moore commanded the Rinaldo Falmouth packet. This was his last appointment.

  1. Vide Gaz. 1807, p. 597.