A Naval Biographical Dictionary/Moriencourt, Joseph Salvador

1843249A Naval Biographical Dictionary — Moriencourt, Joseph SalvadorWilliam Richard O'Byrne

MORIENCOURT. (Retired Commander, 1827. f-p., 14; h-p., 46.)

Joseph Salvador Moriencourt entered the Navy, in Feb. 1787, as Midshipman, on board the Adventure 44, Capts. Fras. Parry and John Nicholson Inglefield, on the African station; and between July, 1790, and his promotion to the rank of Lieutenant, 12 Sept. 1793, was employed in the Channel, off the coast of Africa, at Portsmouth, and in the Mediterranean, in the Excellent 74, Capt. John Gell, Medusa frigate, Capt. J. N. Inglefield, Barfleur 98, flag-ship of Vice- Admiral Roddam, and Romney 50, and Princess Royal 98, bearing each the flag of Rear-Admiral Sam. Cranston Goodall. He was then, being at the siege of Toulon, placed in command of a floating battery, which suffered much from the enemy’s batteries. He went on half-pay in Dec. 1793; but was afterwards, between July, 1794, and July, 1801, afforded an opportunity of serving on the Home station in the Seahorse frigate, Capt. John Peyton, Neptune 98, Capts. Hon. Henry Edwin Stanhope and Sir Erasmus Gower, Arethusa 38, Capt. Thos. Wolley, Neptune again, Capts. Sir E. Gower and Jas.Vashon, and Triton 32, Capt. Fitzgerald. His last appointment, we believe, was, for a short time in the summer of 1803, to L’Argus, Capt. Hon. Edw. Rodney. He retired with the rank of Commander, on the Senior List, 1 Sept. 1827. Agent – Fred. Dufaur.