A Naval Biographical Dictionary/Morrison, Isaac Hawkins

1845510A Naval Biographical Dictionary — Morrison, Isaac HawkinsWilliam Richard O'Byrne

MORRISON. (Captain, 1814. f-p., 22; h-p., 30.)

Isaac Hawkins Morrison entered the Navy, 8 June, 1795, as Fst.-cl. Vol., on board the Malabar 54, Capt. John Parr, and in April and May, 1796, was present at the surrender of the Dutch settlements of Demerara, Essequibo, and Berbice. Following Capt. Parr, as Midshipman, in Dec. of the latter year into the Standard 64, and next into the Zealand, he continued with him in those ships until Feb. 1801, on the Home station; where he further, until May, 1804, served, part of the time as Master’s Mate and Admiralty-Midshipman, in the Fortunée 36, Capt. Lord Amelius Beauclerk, Raven and Gannet sloops, Capts, Jas. Sanders and Edw. Bass, and Tonnant 80, Capt. Sir Edw. Pellew. While in the Zealand, he had been lent to the Tisiphone sloop, Capt. Robt. Honyman, and Andromeda 32, Capt. Henry Inman. Being advanced to the rank of Lieutenant, 1 May, 1804, he was subsequently appointed in that capacity – 21 July, 1804, to the command, at Newfoundland, of the Queen Charlotte hired cutter – 25 Oct. following to the Camilla 20, Capt. Bridges Watkinson Taylor, on the same station – 25 Feb. 1805, to the Amaranthe 18, Capt. Edw. Pelham Brenton, employed in the North Sea and Channel – 26 June, 1806, to the Trusty 50, Capt. Brian Hodgson, attached to the force in the Downs – 16 April, 1807, to the Uranie 38, Capt. Christ. Laroche, off Cherbourg – and, 28 Nov. 1807, to the Adamant 50, Capt. Micajah Malbon, at Jamaica. After having acted for a short time as Commander of the Pelican sloop, he was confirmed to that rank in the Shark receiving-ship at Port Royal 10 June, 1808. He invalided home in Feb. 1809, and was next, 31 May, 1813, appointed to the Achates brig of 16 guns. In that vessel, with much injury to her sails and rigging, Capt. Morrison fought, off the coast of France, 21 Oct. following, a very gallant running action of several hours’ duration with La Trave, a, French frigate of 44 guns and 321 men, which had been previously dismasted in a gale of wind, and which was captured two days afterwards by the Andromache 38, Capt. Geo. Tobin. He also, 25 Feb. 1814, witnessed the surrender, to the Eurotas of 46 guns and 320 men, of another French frigate, La Clorinde, mounting 44 guns and 12 brass-swivels, with a complement of 360 picked men. He attained Post-rank 7 June in the latter year; and was lastly, from 25 Oct. 1824 until the close of 1831, employed as an Inspecting Commander in the Coast Guard at Tralee, co. Kerry. He accepted the Retirement 1 Oct. 1846.

Capt. Morrison married, 16 July, 1823, Louisa Adams, daughter of John Powell Smith, Esq., of Upper Berkeley Street, Portman Square, London.