1850224A Naval Biographical Dictionary — Need, HenryWilliam Richard O'Byrne

NEED. (Lieutenant, 1841.)

Henry Need is eldest surviving son of the late Lieut.-General Sam. Need, of Fountain Dale, Notts, Colonel of H.M. 9th Lancers; and brother of Lieut. Chas. Need, of the 7th Native Infantry.

This officer entered the Navy 16 March, 1833; passed his examination 1 May, 1839; was subsequently employed, as Mate, in the Melville 72, Capt. Hon. Rich. Saunders Dundas, on the East India station; and for his services in that capacity, while attached to the Druid 44, Capt. Henry Smith, in the operations of May, 1841, against Canton, was promoted to the rank of Lieutenant 8 Oct. in the same year.[1] His appointments have since been – 15 March, 1843, to the Harlequin 16, Capt. Hon. Geo. Fowler Hastings, again in the East Indies, whence he returned in the early part of 184.5 – and, 6 Dec. in the latter year, to the Terrible steam-frigate, of 800 horse-power, Capt. Wm. Ramsay, under whom he is now employed, as Senior-Lieutenant, on particular service.

He married, 23 Dec. 1845, Jane, eldest daughter of Jas. M‘Dowell, Esq., of Portland Place, London, and East Bridgeford, Notts. Agents – Messrs. Stilwell.

  1. Vide Gaz. 1841, pp. 2504, 2539.