A Naval Biographical Dictionary/Nicolson, Frederick William Erskine

1853739A Naval Biographical Dictionary — Nicolson, Frederick William ErskineWilliam Richard O'Byrne

NICOLSON, Bart. (Captain, 1846.)

Sir Frederick William Erskine Nicolson, born 22 April, 1815, is son of the late Major-General Sir Wm. Nicolson, Bart., by Mary, daughter of John Russell, Esq., and grand-daughter of Dr. Robertson, the celebrated historian. He succeeded his father, as 10th Baronet, 5 Aug. 1820.

This officer entered the Navy (from the Royal Naval College) 24 Nov. 1829; passed his examination in 1831; obtained his first commission 2 Jan. 1837; served during the two following years on the Lisbon station in the Trinculo 16, Capt. Henry Edw. Coffin; and on 7 Nov. 1839 was appointed to the Blonde 42, Capt. Thos. Bourchier. For his services in the latter ship in the operations of May, 1841, against Canton (where he well played his part),[1] and the meritorious and valuable assistance he afforded as her Senior Lieutenant in those of the ensuing Aug. and Oct. against Amoy and Chinghae,[2] he was rewarded with a Commander’s commission dated 26 Aug. in the same year. Obtaining command, 14 Dec. 1844, of the Fantome 16, he sailed, in the early part of the following year, for the Mediterranean, where, in personal command of the boats of that vessel, he was for many hours, 12 May, 1846, engaged in a desperate affray with a large force of Moorish pirates on the coast of Barbary in a successful attempt to recover the merchant-brig Ruth, of which they had obtained possession. The British on the occasion sustained a loss of a Midshipman (Mr. Rich. Boys) killed, and 8, including thie first-Lieutenant, John Sanderson, wounded. Sir Frederick himself suffered a narrow escape: while in the midst of the fire, encouraging and cheering his men, two bullets went through his hat; another caught the heel of his boot, and a stone grazed his lip. For his gallant conduct he was advanced to his present rank by a commission bearing date the day of the action. He returned in consequence to England, and has since been on half-pay.

He married, 26 May, 1847, Mary Clementina Marion, only daughter of Jas. Loch, Esq., M.P. for Wick, N.B., and niece of Capt. Fras. Erskine Loch, R.N.

  1. Vide Gaz. 1841, p. 2510.
  2. Vide Gaz. 1842, pp. 84, 396.